Since 2019, just quality oil
Only from the sun and the warm earth of Sicily the fragrance of Ovis can be born
Everything we produce has a single common denominator:
the “Passion”, which turns into Art trying to create elements that stimulate the 3 senses: visual, olfactory and gustatory. For this reason, the choice of using a transparent bottle, to create a strong visual impact which is the first guarantee of quality.
Our signature “& Family” is chosen with the conviction that the Family is always central to everything you create.
"The key to everything is found in Sicily: the purity of the outlines, the harmonious unity of the sky with the sea and the sea with the earth. Anyone who has seen them only once will have them for life. "
J. W. von Goethe
From the lands of the Gods, in absolute respect for natural resources, ‘Ovis & family’ oil is born. A blend with an intense flavor, produced by the cold pressing of nocellara and cerasuola, two varieties of olives that complement each other in the fragrance: the nocellara has a rather marked taste, a lively and fresh content that makes it fruity and sweet; the cherry tomato tends to aromatize and make its organoleptic characteristics long over time and that is why together they reach a perfect and respectful polyphenolic balance. All crops follow the criteria of organic farming, without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

Ovis & Family oil is 100% Sicilian. It belongs to a particular area rich in native cultivars, Nocellara del Belice, Cerasuola, Biancolilla.

Ovis worldwide
Oman | Arab Emirates | Malta | Romania | United Kingdom | Sweden | Russia | Ukraine | New York | Miami

- Via Eurialo, 19 - 90100 Palermo
- +39 377 687 2316